Most Competitive Races

This section lists the most competitive races based on the competitive level calculated for each race with five or more ranked runners. The competitive level is derived from the average point level for the five highest ranked runners in the race (CL5) compared to the average point level for the ten highest ranked runners in the world (CL10) at the time of the race. The competitive level is calculated as 1000 times (CL5-BP) / (CL10-BP) where BP is the base point level (2600 for men, 2500 for women). The competitive level nominally ranges from 1000 (most competitive) to 0 (least competitive) but may exceed these limits on occasion. Competitive levels for races are only available for 1990 to date.


All-Time: Men Women

Marathons All-Time: Men/Women


All-Time: Men Women


All-Time: Men/Women